Thursday 8 September 2011

Typical Thriller Genre Conventions

The genre of a film means the type of category that it fits into. There are many different genres; however my main focus is going to be on thrillers. This type of film uses suspense, tension and excitement as the main elements to entice the audience. There are many subgenres of thriller films, such as; psychological, crime, investigation, disaster, mystery and supernatural, and these individual elements contribute to the typical thriller convention. 
A genuine thriller film provides a kind of excitement, a factor which keeps the audience on the edge of their seats whilst the plot works its way towards a climax, or twist. Thrillers definitely stimulate the audience’s level of anticipation, and as the tension rises, anxiety will begin to affect viewers.
Thrillers often introduce an enigma in the beginning of the film, and use it to either confuse the audience to make them think, or create a heavy build up to dramatise the plot throughout the story until the end, where the climax is normally revealed.

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